‘You can’t spell Fred without red’

1 minute read

How fans and team-mates are reacting to Fred’s departure

Sunday 13 August 2023 14:30

“You can’t spell Fred without red.”

This is just one example of the warm responses former Manchester United midfielder Fred has received upon news of his transfer to Fenerbahce, which has now been confirmed.

After five years at Old Trafford, the Brazilian has departed the club, having scored some important and impressive goals, always doing it with a smile on his face.

Since his move to Turkey was initially agreed on Friday, our former no.17 has been inundated with positive messages and thanks for his exploits across his time in England.

The 30-year-old posted his own farewell video and message on social media over the weekend, thanking the club, staff and his team-mates for helping him “live the dream”.

This post was met with comments from his United team-mates, expressing their love - and sadness - at his departure.

Bruno Fernandes, Alejandro Garnacho, Donny van de Beek and Tom Heaton were among those who replied with heart emojis, while former Red David De Gea did the same.

“All the best Feddy,” wrote Heaton.

Fred also held a special place in the hearts and minds of United supporters, who expressed their warm regards to the Brazilian as he embarks on the next chapter of his career.

We have selected a number of them for you to read below…

@thereseutd: Good luck Fred!❤️ We’ll miss you

@unitedupdatez: Obrigado, Fred! Thank you for always giving your 100% and playing for the badge! We’ll miss you. Once a red, ALWAYS a red! ❤️

@jack_escobar04 : Can’t spell Fred without red❤️

@g_teerasith: Good luck Fredinho ❤️❤️❤️

@sanchoSZN: I love u king, thank you for everything and good luck on your new journey ❤️

@anol061: My man, you will forever be a Red. I can’t wish you well enough. You gave it all to us and will do for whoever you play for. Good Luck Fred.

    • All The Goals: Fred Video

All The Goals: Fred

Fred scored 14 United goals after joining on 21 June 2018, including a famous equaliser against Barcelona…

Sunday 13 August 2023 14:30

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