The Manchester United winger Antony has spoken on Brazilian television denying allegations made against him of violence towards women. The 23-year-old was dropped this week from the Brazil squad after accusations were made of physical aggression on a number of occasions since January towards his former girlfriend Gabriela Cavallin, which are being investigated by police and which he denies.

Since then, the Brazilian newspaper Extra has reported that the influencer and law student Rayssa de Freitas filed a police report in May 2022 against Antony alleging she sustained injuries in an incident involving the player and another woman after a night out in São Paulo. Meanwhile, the banker Ingrid Lana told Brazil’s RecordTV that in an incident at Antony’s home in Manchester in October 2022 he “pushed me against the wall, and I hit my head”.

On Monday Antony had issued a statement on Instagram in which he described Cavallin’s claims as “false”, and speaking on Friday on the Brazilian network SBT the forward said: “I have never and I never will [attack a woman].” He added: “I am 100% sure that I have never touched a woman. And I will come with the proof. People will see the truth.”

On Wednesday his club released a statement regarding the Cavallin claims that said: “Manchester United acknowledges the allegations made against Antony and notes that the police are conducting enquiries. Pending further information, the club will be making no further comments. As a club, we are taking this matter seriously, with consideration of the impact these allegations and subsequent reporting will have on survivors of abuse.”

United, who have not said whether Antony remains available for selection, had no comment to make when contacted by the PA news agency regarding the subsequent accusations against him.

In an interview with the Brazilian website UOL – which also published photographs and screenshots of messages between the pair – Cavallin alleged she was attacked by Antony “with a headbutt” in a Manchester hotel room on 15 January, leaving her with a cut head which needed treatment from a doctor.

Cavallin also alleged she was punched in the chest by Antony, which she claimed caused damage to a silicone breast implant which required corrective surgery back in Brazil. Another alleged incident is claimed to have taken place at a house on 8 May, with Cavallin saying she suffered a cut finger while trying to protect herself, accusing Antony of throwing a glass cup towards her as well as then taking her passport.

Cavallin is said to have filed a report to the São Paulo civil police concerning allegations of physical and verbal abuse by Antony while on holiday in Brazil during June 2022, when she was pregnant, as well as making a separate complaint to Greater Manchester police.

In his Instagram post on Monday, Antony, who signed for United from Ajax in September 2022, wrote: “From the beginning I have treated this matter with seriousness and respect, providing the necessary clarifications before the police authority.

“However, I can calmly state that the accusations are false and that the evidence already produced and the other evidence that will be produced demonstrate that I am innocent of the accusations made. My relationship with Gabriela was tumultuous, with verbal insults from both sides, but I never committed any physical aggression.

“Therefore, I come to vehemently deny the accusations made and inform you that I remain at the entire disposal of the Brazilian authorities to clarify whatever is necessary. I trust that the ongoing police investigations will demonstrate the truth about my innocence.”