Arsenal players surround a referee during a game last seasonArsenal players surround a referee during a game last season

Players and managers have been warned they face tougher punishments for poor behaviour at games.

The new penalties are part of a charter introduced by football’s authorities for the 2023-24 campaign.

Managers and coaches will also have to adhere to new rules covering the technical area.

The new measures state players “must not confront, invade the personal space of, or make physical contact with the match officials”.

They add that “two or more players surrounding a match official in a confrontational manner will result in a yellow card and be reported to the Football Association”.

The new ‘participant charter’ has been launched by the Football Association, Premier League, English Football League, Women’s Super League, Women’s Championship, National League System (Steps 1-4) and referees’ governing body PGMOL.

It was also developed in partnership with the League Managers Association and Professional Footballers’ Association.

The new measures also address the issue of fan behaviour and, in particular, tragedy chanting, which involves singing about tragic events involving the opposition.

“Our collective approach is to reset this behaviour on the pitch and from the sidelines, whilst giving our referees the respect and protection that they deserve,” said FA chief executive Mark Bullingham.

“We are also determined to address the rise in unacceptable behaviour from the stands.”

New technical area protocols

The FA issued more than 20 fines to Premier League clubs last season for surrounding match officials or mass confrontations, totalling more than £1m.

The protocols for next season include a team’s manager having to attend a pre-match briefing and “players and team officials not listed on the team sheet must not enter the technical area”.

In addition, no occupants from the technical area can “enter the pitch to confront any match official at half-time or full-time”.

During the match only one person can stand at the front of the technical area and, while a second person can stand, they “must remain very close to the technical area seating” and “all conversations between the two standing must happen close to the technical area seating” as everyone else stays sitting down.

Also, players “must not instigate or escalate a mass confrontation with opposing players and/or technical area occupants”.

Match officials are being given the power “to take a robust approach” and “issue yellow and red cards where behaviour falls below expected standards”.

Incidents are to be reported to the FA and it “will apply stronger supplementary disciplinary action” where necessary.

More to follow.

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